Our Mission

Join hands to create a better society

Our Vision

To identify and work with the social work professionals to find solutions to the challenges in the field of poverty, health, education and environment with the ultimate aim of establishing an aware, responsible and developed society based upon equality, fraternity and social justice, ensuring sustainable and holistic development with emphasis on human rights, and a culture of social service through initiating new innovative interventions and creating synergy and building strategic partnership with different professionals.

Aims and Objectives

The promotion of social work missions through:


(a) Conducting of training to the social work students and professional social workers on the values, principles, knowledge and skills in working with the deprived communities.


(b) Providing consultancy and advisory work to social welfare agencies, as well as tertiary education institutes conducting programs on helping professions.


(c) Promoting inter-disciplinary cooperation in the social work field with medical professionals, business sector, education institutes, religious bodies, etc. for the benefits of the deprived in the society.


(d) Enhancing of new project initiatives and creating new working and intervention models in social work profession.


(e) Advocating on the importance of social inclusion, community capacity building, environmental protection, carers support, equality and diversity, relief of poverty, racial harmony, respect and concern, etc. in the society.


(f) Facilitating the setup of social enterprises in Hong Kong to enhance self-reliance among the deprived targets and to solve social problems.


(g) Promoting best practice and quality services in the social work profession.


(h) Conducting or supporting researches on social welfare projects, as well as publishing and releasing the results to the public.


We are a member of Hong Kong General Chamber of Social Enterprises